Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Handyman Tips: Is Your Home Babyproof?

Babyproofing your home is a crucial step to ensure your child’s safety. With nearly one million children worldwide suffering accidental deaths each year, it’s more important than ever to make your home a safe haven. Whether you’re looking at babyproofing products or considering professional handyman services, there are several key steps to secure your home for your little ones.

Handyman Tips: The Importance of Child Safety

Child safety is a global concern. Since its foundation in 1987, Safe Kids Worldwide has successfully reduced child fatalities by 45%, saving an estimated 38,000 children. As a result, parents are increasingly taking proactive steps to ensure their homes in Conway SC are safe for children.

Getting Started Before Baby Arrives

To begin with, it’s best to start babyproofing before your baby comes home. So, here are some important steps for setting up a safe nursery:

  • Choose a Safe Crib: Ensure the crib meets safety standards, with slats no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. Avoid cribs with elevated corner posts and decorative cutouts.
  • Check the Mattress Fit: The mattress should fit snugly with no more than a half to three-quarter inch gap to prevent infants from slipping between the mattress and the crib.
  • Safe Bedding: Use only approved crib bedding. Avoid electric blankets, heating pads, fluffy bedding, pillows, and stuffed animals for newborns.
  • Mesh Playpen Safety: Ensure mesh openings are no more than ¾ inch and check for holes or tears.
  • Change Table Precautions: Use a change table with safety sides and a belt, and place a soft rug underneath.
  • Adjust Water Temperature: Lower the hot water temperature to prevent accidental scalding.
  • Nightlight Placement: Keep nightlights at least three feet away from draperies, cribs, or bedding to prevent fires.

As your baby grows and starts moving around, it’s important to increase your babyproofing efforts. Here are some tips from an expert handyman in Conway SC to keep your whole house safe:

Avoiding Common Hazards


handyman in Conway SC

First and foremost, avoiding common hazards is essential. Here are some specific steps to take:

  • Avoid Choking Hazards: Keep small items out of reach. Anything that fits inside a toilet paper roll is too small.
  • Use Cordless Window Coverings: If you can’t switch to cordless, make sure cords are shortened and out of reach.
  • High Chair Safety: Ensure high chairs have restraining straps and clamps for stability.
  • Toy Box Safety: Avoid toy boxes with hinged lids, or drill breathing holes if you must use one.
  • Adjust Crib Settings: Remove hanging toys and the crib bumper once the child can stand.
  • Store Hazardous Items Safely: Keep cleaners, medications, and other harmful items in locked cabinets.
  • Know Your Plants: Identify all houseplants and keep toxic ones out of reach.
  • Emergency Supplies: Keep Ipecac and activated charcoal for poisoning emergencies, but use them only under medical supervision.

Electrical and Fire Safety

In addition to avoiding common hazards, local handyman in Conway SC suggests ensuring electrical and fire safety is critical. Here’s how to do it:

  • Install GFI Outlets: Use GFI outlets in bathrooms and near sinks, and cover all outlets with childproof covers.
  • Fireplace Safety: Use screens around fireplaces and radiators.
  • Secure Appliances: Wrap cords short and keep them out of reach to prevent pulling hazards.
  • Stabilize Furniture: Secure heavy furniture to the wall to prevent tipping.
  • Prevent Burns: Install anti-scald devices in bathtubs and sinks.
  • Fire Safety: Ensure smoke detectors are placed throughout the home.

By addressing these areas, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and create a safer environment for your child. Taking these steps ensures that every part of your home is equipped to protect your little one.

Extending Safety Outdoors

Don’t forget to babyproof outdoor areas like decks and patios. Ensure railings are spaced closely enough to prevent children from getting their heads stuck. Additionally, make sure grills, sharp objects, and potential strangulation hazards are secured or out of reach.

Car Safety

Besides your home, your car needs attention too. Use a car seat with the highest safety rating for your child. Ensure you comply with state regulations for car seat use to keep your child safe during travel.

When to Call a Handyman

While many babyproofing steps can be done yourself, some tasks might require a professional handyman. For example, installing anti-scald devices, complex child safety locks, and ensuring deck railings meet safety codes might need expert help from Handyman Conway.

Implement these babyproofing tips to create a secure environment for your little ones. For professional assistance, call Handyman Conway now. Ensure every detail is covered and enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is safe for your child.

Like our Facebook page for more information about our professional services.

Handyman Conway
Conway, SC  29526

Areas Served: ConwayAynorCarolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle  Beach

Friday, July 26, 2024

Tips for Hiring a Handyman: Protect Yourself, Home, and Wallet

Hiring a handyman can be a great solution for home repairs and maintenance, but it’s important to be cautious. Recent news stories have highlighted the need to be vigilant when inviting contractors into your home. Here are some essential tips to help you find a reliable handyman and ensure your safety and satisfaction.

Finding A Trustworthy Handyman

Start with Recommendations

A great way to begin your search is by asking friends and family for recommendations. Word of mouth is often the best advertisement. Additionally, you can check local newspapers or online community boards for potential leads. However, keep in mind that advertising does not automatically mean credibility.

Ask the Right Questions

Once you have a list of potential handymen, it’s time to start the screening process. Ask for references and take the time to check them out. Don’t hesitate to call previous clients to see if they were satisfied with the work and the handyman’s conduct. Since you are inviting this person into your home, it’s crucial to ensure they are trustworthy. Additionally, inquire about the handyman’s experience and specific skills to make sure they can handle your job.

Be Clear About Your Needs

Before contacting a handyman, make a detailed list of the tasks you need to be completed. This helps you communicate your requirements clearly and ensures the handyman understands what you expect. Discuss this list during the screening process to determine if the handyman is capable of completing the work to your satisfaction.

Verify Licensing and Insurance

It’s essential to ensure that the handyman in Conway SC is both licensed and insured. Ask for proof of insurance and a current license, and be sure to check the expiration dates. This might feel uncomfortable, but it’s a necessary step to protect yourself from liability in case of an accident. You can verify their credentials through your local business inspector or city hall, or online via your state’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation.


handyman in Conway SC

Understand Their Charges

Different handymen charge in various ways, so it’s important to understand their pricing structure. Do they charge by the hour, half-hour, or by the job? Also, ask how they prefer to be paid and if they provide free estimates. Having this information upfront can help you budget appropriately and avoid any surprises later on.

Be Cautious of Door-to-Door Offers

Be wary of handymen who come to your door unsolicited, offering their services because they “noticed” something wrong with your home. This can sometimes be a tactic to pressure homeowners into unnecessary repairs using scare tactics. Always do your own research and select a local handyman in Conway SC based on trusted recommendations and thorough screening.

Additional Tips for a Smooth Experience

Plan Ahead

Starting your search early and planning ahead can save you from last-minute stress. It also gives you ample time to check references and credentials thoroughly.

Set Clear Expectations

Once you’ve chosen a handyman in Conway SC, make sure you set clear expectations regarding the work scope, timeline, and payment terms. Clear communication can prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smoother process.

Keep Documentation

Document all agreements, including the scope of work and payment details. This can help resolve any disputes that might arise and provides a record of the work completed.

Need reliable handyman services for your home repairs and maintenance? Contact Handyman Conway today to schedule a visit from our skilled professionals and experience hassle-free solutions for all your home improvement needs!

Like our Facebook page for more information about our professional services.

Handyman Conway
Conway, SC  29526

Areas Served: ConwayAynorCarolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle  Beach

Thursday, July 25, 2024

DIY Home Remodel vs. Hiring a Handyman Service

Taking on a home remodeling project can be exciting and rewarding. There’s something undeniably satisfying about completing a project with your own hands and seeing the transformation unfold. However, it’s essential to know when to tackle a project yourself and when to call in a professional handyman. DIY projects can save money and offer a sense of accomplishment. However, some tasks are best left to the experts to ensure safety, quality, and efficiency.

The Allure of DIY Home Remodeling

DIY home improvement projects come with a host of benefits. To begin with, they can significantly reduce costs by eliminating labor expenses. Moreover, they offer a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills. And, you’ll also gain a deeper understanding of your home’s construction and maintenance. For example, painting a room, installing a kitchen backsplash, or refacing cabinets are all tasks that homeowners can often handle themselves.

Additionally, DIY projects can be a great way to spend quality time with family or friends. Working together on a shared goal fosters teamwork and brings people closer. Plus, the physical activity involved in many DIY tasks can be a welcome break from a screen-centered day.

However, the complexity of the home renovation project and your level of skill and available time are critical factors to consider. While small projects can be rewarding and manageable, larger or more technical tasks may require expertise that you don’t have. Before diving into a DIY project, make sure to research thoroughly. Additionally, you need to gather the necessary materials and assess whether you have the skills needed to complete it successfully.

When to Call in a Handyman

On the flip side, hiring a handyman in Conway, SC, can be a wise decision for more complicated or time-consuming projects. Handymen are skilled professionals who can handle a wide range of tasks, from installing ceramic tiles and replacing windows to more technical jobs like electrical repairs and plumbing.

One significant advantage of hiring a handyman is the quality of work. Professionals bring experience and expertise that ensure the job is done right the first time, reducing the risk of costly mistakes. This is especially important for projects that affect the safety and functionality of your home, such as electrical work or major structural changes.


handyman in Conway SC

Moreover, hiring a handyman can be more cost-effective in the long run. While you may pay more upfront than a DIY project, the quality and durability of the work can save you money on future home repairs. Additionally, freeing up your time to focus on other priorities or simply enjoy your home can be invaluable.

Deciding Between DIY and Professional Help

Deciding whether to DIY or hire handyman services in Conway SC involves weighing several factors. Consider the complexity of the project, your skill level, the time you can commit, and the potential risks involved. For instance, if a project requires specialized knowledge or could impact your home’s safety, it’s best to leave it to the experts.

Projects that are ideal for DIY include painting, installing battery-powered lighting, and laying linoleum or vinyl flooring. On the other hand, tasks like replacing windows, installing hardwood floors, or doing major electrical work are better suited for professionals.

The Benefits of Professional Expertise

Professional help doesn’t always mean hiring a full-scale contractor. A handyman can be a middle-ground solution, offering professional expertise for a variety of tasks without the higher costs associated with contractors. This approach allows you to handle the simpler aspects of a project while leaving the more complex tasks to a skilled professional.

Hiring a handyman in Conway SC also ensures that your home improvement projects meet local building codes and safety standards. This is particularly important if you plan to sell your home in the future, as DIY mistakes can deter potential buyers.

Key Takeaways

Ultimately, the choice between DIY and hiring a handyman depends on your specific needs and capabilities. DIY projects can be fulfilling and cost-effective for small, manageable tasks. However, for more complex or technical projects, hiring a handyman ensures quality, safety, and peace of mind.

For those looking to balance DIY efforts with professional help, finding a reliable handyman is crucial. A skilled handyman like Handyman Conway can take care of the more challenging aspects of a project, allowing you to focus on the parts you enjoy. This partnership can lead to a successful and enjoyable home improvement experience.

Whether you choose to DIY or hire a professional, make sure you’re prepared and informed. Need help with a complex task? Contact Handyman Conway today to find skilled and trustworthy handymen in your area, and ensure your home improvement project is a success!

Like our Facebook page for more information about our professional services.

Handyman Conway
Conway, SC  29526

Areas Served: ConwayAynorCarolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle  Beach

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why Hiring a Handyman Is the Best Choice for Busy Professionals

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to handle household repairs can be a daunting task, especially for busy professionals. Home maintenance often falls to the bottom of the to-do list. This is where hiring a handyman becomes not just a convenience but a necessity.

When To Hire A Handyman

Time-Saving Convenience

One of the primary benefits of hiring a handyman in Conway SC is the significant amount of time you save. As a busy professional, your time is precious. So, spending weekends or evenings on home repairs can be overwhelming.

Instead of putting off that leaky faucet or broken door handle for months, a handyman can quickly and efficiently tackle these tasks. By outsourcing these chores, you free up your schedule to focus on more important things, such as spending quality time with family or pursuing hobbies.

Expertise and Professionalism

Moreover, handymen are skilled professionals in Conway SC with a broad range of expertise. Whether it’s plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, or general maintenance, a handyman can handle it all. This ensures that the job is done correctly and safely, reducing the risk of future issues.

Moreover, their experience and knowledge mean they can often identify and fix problems that might not be immediately apparent to an untrained eye. That’s why, hiring a professional handyman guarantees high-quality workmanship, giving you peace of mind.

Cost-Effective Solution

Many people assume that hiring a handyman is an unnecessary expense. However, it can be a cost-effective solution. Attempting DIY repairs without the proper skills or tools can lead to costly mistakes and even more extensive damage.


handyman in Conway SC

local handyman in Conway SC brings all the necessary tools and expertise to do the job properly the first time, saving you money in the long run. Additionally, by addressing minor repairs promptly, you prevent them from escalating into major, more expensive issues.

Increased Property Value

Furthermore, regular home maintenance and timely repairs are crucial for maintaining and even increasing the value of your property. A well-maintained home is more attractive to potential buyers and can command a higher price on the market.

Hiring a contractor ensures that your home remains in top condition. From fixing small issues to undertaking larger renovation projects, a handyman helps preserve and enhance the value of your investment.

Stress Reduction

Dealing with home repairs can be stressful, especially when you lack the necessary skills or tools. The frustration of a project gone wrong can add unnecessary stress to your life. Hiring a handyman takes the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to relax and enjoy your home. Knowing that a professional is handling your repairs means you don’t have to worry about the outcome, giving you more time and energy to focus on other areas of your life.

Reliable and Trustworthy Service

Finding a reliable and trustworthy contractor is easier than ever. A professional handyman provides top-notch service to their clients. With a strong reputation for reliability, expertise, and customer satisfaction, you can trust that your home is in good hands. These professionals understand the importance of building long-lasting relationships with their clients and are committed to delivering the best possible results.

Ultimately, hiring Handyman Conway is the best choice for busy professionals who value their time, peace of mind, and the quality of their home. By enlisting the services of a professional handyman, you can ensure that your home remains in excellent condition without the stress and hassle of DIY repairs.

So, the next time you find yourself with a growing list of home repairs, remember that help is just a phone call away. Keep your promises to your loved ones and maintain your home’s value by trusting the experts.

Ensure your home remains in perfect condition without sacrificing your precious time. Reach out to Handyman Conway today and experience the convenience and peace of mind that comes with expert home maintenance.

Like our Facebook page for more information about our professional services.

Handyman Conway
Conway, SC  29526

Areas Served: ConwayAynorCarolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle  Beach

Friday, July 19, 2024

Handyman Tips: Is Your Home Ready For Hurricane Season?

Hurricane season brings with it the potential for significant damage and disruption. As these powerful storms approach, your expert handyman suggests taking proactive steps to safeguard your home is essential. This guide offers practical advice on how to prepare your home for hurricane season, ensuring the safety of your property and family.

Handyman Tips to Prepare Your Home for Hurricane Season

Inspect and Fortify Your Roof

To begin with, the roof serves as your home’s primary defense against hurricane winds and rain. Regularly inspect your roof for signs of wear, such as damaged or loose shingles. Address any home repairs immediately, either by yourself or with the help of a professional. Moreover, reinforcing your roof with hurricane straps or clips can provide additional stability during high winds.

Strengthen Windows and Doors

Furthermore, windows and doors are particularly vulnerable during hurricanes. Installing storm shutters or impact-resistant windows can protect against flying debris. Reinforcing entry doors with sturdy deadbolts and installing door sweeps can prevent water infiltration. Ensure all weatherstripping is intact to maintain a secure seal.

Secure Outdoor Items

Another critical step is to clear and secure your outdoor areas. To begin with, trim tree branches and remove loose debris that could become hazardous projectiles in strong winds. Next, secure outdoor furniture, potted plants, and other items. Also, for larger structures like sheds or gazebos, consider anchoring them firmly to the ground.

Ensure Efficient Drainage

Proper drainage is crucial to prevent flooding from heavy rainfall. Clean your gutters and downspouts to avoid clogs. Installing gutter extensions can help direct water away from your home’s foundation. If necessary, consult a professional to assess and improve your property’s drainage system.


handyman in Conway SC

Protect Home Systems

Since hurricanes often cause power outages, investing in a generator can provide a backup power source. Additionally, installing a whole-house surge protector can safeguard your electrical systems. Backup important documents, like insurance policies, in a waterproof container or digitally in the cloud. Ensure your sump pump, if you have one, is functioning correctly.

Assemble an Emergency Kit

An emergency kit is vital for hurricane preparedness. Include essentials like

  • non-perishable food
  • water, flashlights
  • batteries
  • first aid supplies
  • a battery-operated radio, and a portable phone charger.

Make sure the kit is easily accessible, and all family members know its location.

Plan for Evacuation

In some cases, evacuation may be necessary. Therefore, familiarize yourself with local evacuation routes in Conway SC and develop a clear strategy. Designate a safe meeting point for family members and keep important contact numbers handy. Before evacuating, secure your home by turning off utilities and locking all doors and windows.

Additional Tips and Insights

While the aforementioned steps are fundamental, consider additional measures to enhance your hurricane preparedness. For instance, installing window films can reduce the risk of glass shattering, and adding sandbags around your home can help mitigate flooding. Regularly reviewing and updating your insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage is also wise. You can also hire your local handyman in Conway SC to help you with your preparations.

Why Professional Handyman Assistance Matters

Although many preparation steps can be handled independently, seeking professional help from Handyman Conway can ensure thoroughness and safety. Professionals can provide expert assessments and perform more complex installations or repairs. Investing in professional services can save time and provide peace of mind.

Taking these proactive steps can significantly reduce the potential impact of hurricanes on your home and family. Preparation is key to weathering the storm with confidence and ensuring the safety of your loved ones.

Ready to fortify your home against hurricane season? Reach out to Handyman Conway today for professional guidance and support!

Like our Facebook page for more information about our professional services.

Handyman Conway
Conway, SC  29526

Areas Served: ConwayAynorCarolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle  Beach

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Transform Your House with Essential Home Repairs

Every home experiences wear and tear over time, necessitating regular maintenance and home repairs to preserve its value and ensure a safe living environment. Ignoring minor repairs can lead to significant expenses and potential hazards down the road.

While you can manage some simple fixes on your own, more extensive repairs require professional expertise. And, this guide will help you understand which home repairs are crucial and why timely attention is essential.

Key Home Repairs You Should Prioritise

Not all home repairs in Conway SC are equal; some items may need complete replacement rather than repair. For instance, light bulbs, batteries, and screen doors or windows are typically more cost-effective to replace. However, don’t ignore the most common critical home repairs:

Structural Repairs: Also, issues like holes in walls, cracks, and old paint are manageable DIY projects. However, structural repairs involving the foundation, plumbing, and roof require immediate attention to prevent further damage.

Water-Related Issues: Meanwhile, leaking pipes, gutters, and sewers are high-priority repairs. And, neglecting these can lead to water damage, mold growth, and even structural weakening.

Roofing: A compromised roof poses a significant risk, especially during storms. Regular inspections and prompt repairs of any leaks or damage can prevent extensive and costly future repairs.

Professional Help for Complex Repairs

Furthemore, there are certain areas of home repair that demand professional expertise of a handyman in Conway SC to ensure safety and quality. For example:

Handyman-2-2-1.jpg?resize=300%2C200Basements: Susceptible to moisture and water leaks, basements should be regularly inspected for mold and mildew. Consequently, professional intervention is recommended to handle any significant issues.

Foundations: The stability of your home relies on a solid foundation. Damage from plant roots, water leaks, or natural disasters requires careful evaluation and repair by a qualified professional handyman.

Roofing: Heavily impacted by weather conditions, roofs need regular maintenance. Additionally, professionals can address heavy rainfall damage, mold, and other deterioration to keep your home secure.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Additionally, routine home maintenance and prompt repairs are vital for homeowners to avoid significant expenses and risks. Regularly checking for and addressing issues in your home’s structure, plumbing, and roofing can prevent minor problems from escalating into major ones. However, if you lack the time or skills to handle these repairs yourself, seeking professional help is a wise investment.

Enhancing Your Home

By staying on top of necessary repairs, you not only maintain your home’s value but also create a safer and more comfortable living environment. Regular maintenance ensures that your home remains a haven for you and your family.

Final Thoughts

Taking care of your home through regular maintenance and prompt repairs is essential for preserving its value and ensuring safety. For those complex and extensive repairs that require professional attention, don’t hesitate to contact reliable experts like Handyman Conway who can provide quality service and peace of mind.

For more tips and to book your next home repairs, contact Handyman Conway today! Our team is ready to assist you.

Like our Facebook page for more information about our professional services.

Handyman Conway
Conway, SC  29526

Areas Served: ConwayAynorCarolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle  Beach

Friday, July 12, 2024

Home Maintenance Tips for Hurricane Season

With the Atlantic hurricane season forecasted to be highly active, it’s crucial to prepare your home to withstand potential storms. NOAA predicts up to 13 hurricanes this season, with several expected to be quite severe. This high activity poses a risk of significant damage, even for properties situated inland. Here are some home maintenance tips so you can prepare well in advance of any storms.

Home Maintenance For Early Preparation

Waiting until the last minute to prepare for a hurricane can lead to oversights and increased risk. Proper preparation involves a series of thoughtful steps taken well before a storm approaches. According to your expert handyman in Conway SC, the process of getting ready for hurricane season is comprehensive and requires attention to detail. Therefore, it is essential to start early.

1. Prune Trees and Shrubs Near Your Home

The first one in the list of home maintenance tips is to make sure to prune trees and shrubs around your property. Branches can easily become dangerous projectiles during high winds. Even the weakest hurricanes have enough power to break large branches and uproot trees, particularly in saturated soil. For example, look for signs of weak or dead branches, such as cracks in the trunk or hollow sounds when tapped. Consider hiring a professional arborist to handle larger or more dangerous tasks.

2. Reinforce or Replace Loose Fence Boards

Additionally, check your fences for any loose or damaged boards. Winds exceeding 39 mph can turn these into projectiles that can cause significant damage. By securing your fence, you help ensure it withstands high winds and protects your home from flying debris.

3. Examine Your Roof for Vulnerabilities

Another home maintenance tip is to inspect your roof for any vulnerabilities. Strong winds can easily dislodge shingles, tiles, or other roofing materials. Consequently, look for loose or missing shingles, bent flashing, and any signs of leaks or water damage in your attic. Addressing these issues before a storm can prevent more extensive damage.

4. Clean and Repair Gutters

Next, make sure your gutters are clean and in good repair. Heavy rainfall from hurricanes can overwhelm your drainage system if it’s clogged with debris. Therefore, clean gutters ensure that rainwater can flow freely off your roof and away from your home’s foundation, reducing the risk of water damage.

handyman-2.jpg?resize=300%2C2005. Check Windows and Doors for Sealing Issues

Furthermore, inspect windows and doors to ensure they are properly sealed. These are among the most important home maintenance in Conway SC that you must not ignore. Strong winds can drive rain into your home through even the smallest gaps. Use weatherstripping or caulking to seal any leaks, and pay extra attention to doors that open inward, which are more susceptible to being blown open by strong winds.

6. Secure Outdoor Items

Also, create a designated storage space for outdoor items like patio furniture, garden decorations, and toys. These items can become dangerous projectiles during a storm. Having a plan in place to quickly store them in your garage or shed will help protect your property and prevent loss.

7. Review Your Insurance Policy

Finally, review your insurance policy to ensure you have adequate coverage for hurricane-related damage. Standard homeowners insurance may not cover flood damage, so you might need additional policies for comprehensive protection. Moreover, make sure to secure these policies well before a storm is forecasted, as insurers often stop issuing new policies once a storm is imminent.

Thorough preparation is key to protecting your home during hurricane season. By pruning trees, securing fences, inspecting your roof, cleaning gutters, sealing windows and doors, storing outdoor items, and reviewing your insurance, you can significantly reduce the risk of damage. Taking these proactive steps and hiring experts like Handyman Conway will help ensure your home is ready to weather any storm.

Stay prepared and safe this hurricane season. Contact Handyman Conway today for more home maintenance tips and professional assistance!

Like our Facebook page for more information about our professional services.

Handyman Conway
Conway, SC  29526

Areas Served: ConwayAynorCarolina ForestMyrtle BeachNorth Myrtle  Beach

Essential Home Improvement Projects to Tackle This Fall

As the weather begins to change, now is the perfect time to focus on some key home maintenance tasks. Fall, in particular, offers an ideal o...